
  • Bringing Dog Vision in Focus

    Veterinary ophthalmologists are often asked, "How well do animals see?" Visual function involves a combination of many factors, including: the field of view, depth perception, acuity, perception of motion, and color differentiation. All of these functions must then be integrated by the brain to produce

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  • How to Clean Your Pet's Teeth

    Per their dentist’s recommendation, most people brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Practicing regular at-home care and routinely visiting an oral health professional can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Having good oral hygiene practices is also essential for helping

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  • How to Control Bad Breath in Pets: Tips & Tricks

    There’s nothing fun about getting a slobbery wet kiss from a dog or a cat with bad breath! Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is generally caused by excessive build-up of odor -producing bacteria inside your pet’s mouth, lungs, or even gut. While most cases of bad breath can be traced back to poor

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  • Does Your Cat Need Vaccines?

    In a word, yes. “No other medical development has been as successful as vaccination in controlling deadly diseases in companion animals,” says feline veterinarian Dr. Arnold Plotnick. The Exception Dr. Plotnick and other veterinarians acknowledge that, rarely, vaccinations in cats have been linked

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  • Understanding Renal Failure in Cats

    Acute renal failure and chronic renal failure are two health problems that commonly affect cats. Acute renal failure can affect cats at any age; emergency care is essential to treating this condition and saving a cat’s life. Chronic renal failure typically occurs in senior cats. According to the American

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  • Medical Benefits of Regular Home Grooming for Cats

    The condition of your cat’s coat and skin is an important feline health indicator. Healthy coats are shiny and smooth, and healthy skin will be supple and clear. While nutrition and health status will influence a cat’s appearance, regular grooming also has an impact. At-home grooming care, including

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  • Pet Food Safety Measures to Avoid Health Complications

    Foods with inadequate nutrition, stored improperly or not handled safely can present problems for you and your pet. Making the right choices for the right pet will give your pet the best chance at optimum wellness. You'll have peace of mind and know your pet will receive the best health value possible.

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  • Nutrition Terms

    As pets have become more important to their owners, what the pets are fed has become more important as well. Most pet owners are concerned about the quality and nutrition level of the food they are feeding their furry family members. There are now hundreds of pet foods available to the consumer. How

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  • What is in Your Pets' Food?

    Every day we are besieged with pet food advertisements, in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars are spent per year trying to convince us that their pet food is the best. Who to believe? What is really in pet food? Is the pet food label helpful? A Chapman

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  • Pet Food Allergies? The Rules for a Pet Food Trial Have Changed

    Food allergies are common in dogs and cats. It usually manifests as itchy skin, chronic vomiting, or diarrhea. If you suspect that your pet may have a food allergy, you will need to investigate by performing a food trial. There are no intradermal skin tests or blood tests that are valid for determining

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  • Obesity in Dogs

    Obesity is on the rise, and not just for humans. Dogs are increasingly overweight and even obese. In the United States, an estimated 43 million dogs are overweight or obese - that’s over half of all dogs! And it is not just dogs in the United States that need to lose a few pounds - canine obesity is

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  • Foods to Avoid for Pets on Low Sodium Diets

    Pets afflicted with heart failure or high blood pressure should not be fed salty foods, as they cause fluid to be retained in the body and make it harder for the heart to work. They also can lead to fluid developing in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Most commercial dog foods have a decent level of sodium,

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  • Fitting Fiber into Fido's Food Bowl

    Fiber is important because it helps dogs feel full, supports natural, healthy digestion and aids in moving material through their digestive tract. Is there fiber in your pet's food bowl with each meal? Does your pet need fiber, or more fiber? Grains like wheat, barley, corn and rice contribute small

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  • Does Your Dog Suffer From Anxiety?

    Anxious dogs tend to act out in ways their people do not like. If you have ever returned home to discover shredded pillows or bite marks on your front door, you are probably familiar with the consequences of anxiety. Understanding why your dog is anxious is the key to helping your dog overcome this common problem.

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  • What is a Raw Diet?

    Raw diets offer an alternative to commercially prepared pet food and can be a good choice for some pets. Serving raw foods offer a variety of benefits, although the diet isn't appropriate for every cat or dog. Why Offer Raw Food? Commercially available pet food often contains preservatives or chemicals

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  • Who's Healthier: Purebreds or Mixed Breeds?

    For years, pet owners have disagreed about whether purebred or mixed breed dogs are healthier. Until recently, there was no scientific data to back up their opinions, but UC Davis researchers recently helped answer the question with a landmark health study. The Arguments Pet owners who thought that

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