
  • Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV)

    Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GDV) is a life threatening, acute condition that requires immediate medical attention. Certain breeds are more prone to this condition: Boxers, Great Danes, Standard Poodles, Saint Bernards, Irish Setters, Dobermans, Weimaraners and Gordon Setters. These breeds are considered

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  • Canine Parvovirus (CPV)

    The Parvovirus is known worldwide and causes disease in many different species of animals. Different strains of virus only infect certain types of animals. For example, the Canine Parvovirus (Parvo) will mainly infect dogs and does not cause disease in cats or humans. Feline Parvovirus, a different strain

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  • Glaucoma in Cats

    Do you know the signs of glaucoma in cats?

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  • Preventing Obesity in Cats

    Even one extra pound could affect your pet's health. Find out how you can keep your cat slim and trim.

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  • Managing Your Cat's Night-Time Activity

    Does your cat enjoy midnight sprints through your home? These tips can help curb the behavior.

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  • Preparing for Kitten Season - Spay and Neuter Your Pets and Keep Them Safe and Indoors

    Kitten season will soon be here. Are you ready?

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  • Is Your Cat's Personality Influenced by Coat Color?

    Are orange cats friendlier than black ones? Coat color may play a role in personality.

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  • Is a Cat Enclosure Right for Your Cat?

    A cat enclosure offers the perfect way for your favorite feline to enjoy a little outdoor time without being subjected to the dangers of the real world. Before you make the decision about adding an enclosure to your property, consider these facts. Free Access to the Outdoors Can Decrease a Cat's Lifespan Free

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  • Diabetes in Cats: Prevention and Treatment

    Diabetes in cats, also known as feline diabetes mellitus, is an increasingly common disease affecting 1 out of every 400 cats. Obesity is the leading risk factor for diabetes. "Overweight or obese cats are two to four times more likely to develop diabetes than cats with a healthy body weight," says board-certified

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  • Cat Backpacks: The New Trend in Feline Transportation

    Wearing your cat is all the rage these days. Find out why more cat lovers are making the switch to cat backpacks.

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  • Should You Declaw Your Cat?

    Do you know what really happens when cats are declawed?

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  • How Safe is Your Dog’s Food?

    Over the last several years, numerous dog food brands and treats have been recalled for chemical contamination or Salmonella. This last summer many dog food brands were recalled due to Salmonella; all were manufactured in a Diamond Pet Foods plant in Gaston, South Carolina, USA. This plant makes many

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  • Wellness Coloring Book

    Picking the Right Pet, Welcome Your New Pet Home, Pets Need Proper Grooming, Feed Your Pet a Good Diet, Training Your Pet, Pets Love to Play!, and Pets Can Get Sick Just Like You.

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  • Caring for Dogs with Wrinkles

    Regular skin care is the key to helping your wrinkled dog avoid painful infections.

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  • Bloat in Dogs

    Bloat may end your dog's life if you're not aware of the symptoms.

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  • Calcium is Not Always Good

    When examining a blood panel, a veterinarian may report to the owner that a pet has hypercalcemia, which is an elevated level of calcium in the blood. The owner often then wonders if there is too much calcium in the pet's food or in the vitamins or supplements the pet is taking. Ingesting calcium in

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